Friday, May 8, 2009

Your Mother Was a Hampster and Your Father Smelt of Elderberries

Ignore the title, it's completely irrelevent to the topic at hand. Because what I'm here to talk, or um, write about has nothing to do with Monty Python and the Holy Grail. No matter how much we all love that movie. As you probably don't know, I'm an aspiring author, and I'm working on a novel. Yes, a so called 'emo' teenager who listens to heavy metal, acoustic guitar, punk, rock music, enjoys indie films, horror films (a few mild ones here and there), action films, has an odd and somewhat dark sense of humour, enjoys dark novels and scary stories, whose two favorite colors are red and black, is writing a book. How typical, right?

Call me stereotypical, laugh if you'd like, throw your popcorn at the computer screen and totally 'rofl' until you suffocate. But I'm planning on becoming an author, and aside from the rare rant using the wonderful smiley faces I downloaded off of (check it out, it's the greatest website ever), I'll be using this wonderful website to be posting chapters and previews from my novel.
It's titled Cubicles, and I'll be explaining a little about it (but not giving too much away).
Nathanial Reed. Regular guy with a regular job and a regular house. He's single, his father is deceased, and he hasn't spoken with his mother in years. Why? Because he just doesn't care. The guy tries to be respectful, he keeps his opinions to himself, but he avoids life. He minds his own business and such. And since his mother's never called him, he thinks he can just blame it on her, because in a way maybe they're both at fault - and not just him. He also grew up with an older brother, who remains unnamed throughout the novel, there's about a seven or eight years age difference and they'd stopped talking with one another ever since their father died.
So, Nathan is a lonely man, only in his late twenties/early thirties. The office is the best job he's had in his young life, he receives complaints from people who weren't satisfied with the lamps created by the company, and he was planning on keeping it until retirement. But then the economy came into play with his life.
So much for not caring about the news, right?
Now he's unemployed, and thoroughly convinced he'll starve to death. So, he decides to say goodbye to everyone he loves - he wants to kill himself. And soon too. Flipping through the phone book to contact his brother for the last time and say goodbye to him, our quirky protagonist discovers an advertisement. A man paralyzed from the waist down needs help buying groceries and pretty much just living his life. And Nathan does something he's never done before.
That's right, he cares. But only because the job will earn him a nice amount of cash.
So Nathan goes to the home belonging to Kale, the paralyzed man. Only to discover the horrible truth, that Kale isn't the man he'd been hoping he would be. So now, Kale's trying to kill Nathanial's old boss for personal reasons, and he wants Nathanial to help.
Looks like it's time for Nathanial to start caring.
Again, the title of the book is called Cubicles, and hopefully I'll have chapter one up sooner or later.

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About Me

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Antelope, California, United States
I'm thirteen years old and a female, I tend to be on the quiet side (though not afraid to voice my opinions on my religion - being a faithful Christian/Follower of Christ), working on a novel, love movies and music, and I love to eat.